Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Word to the WISE!

This past weekend my Mac crashed. Lost my most recent newborn session and all my family pictures from this summer : ( So, like they always tell you. Back everything up! Thankfully, I had done that with the other 3 sessions that I had lately, but I'm sad I didn't take the time to back up our personal pics as well. I'm doing a reshoot today and thankfully it's something that can be redone.


1 comment:

  1. So sorry to hear...I too learned that lesson the hard way. So sad, I cried for a long time, I lost the digital files of my first son's birth and first months. I found a couple of reccomended places online that say they can restore files from a hard drive, but I have not tried anything yet. Now I use an external drive as well as Mozy online backup. So I feel a little safer now. :) good luck!
    ♥ Melissa
