Saturday, May 23, 2009

i heart layer masks

check this out. this SOOC image was a "light tester" but i loved it, and it could NOT be more underexposed. it's a horrible shot, but her expression i just loved. ya'll might think it still doesn't look that great, i mean, really, its quite a long shot, and i think i ended up overexposing it. bottom line is that i'm just so happy to have learned about layer masks, as kia blogged earlier!


  1. Okay so I don't know who pasted this but it is amazing!!! Can you tell me what you did?
    Thanks Cama

  2. Wow. Amy (is that Amy?) lovely! You did that with the layer mask? Unbelievable!

  3. oh its amy! sorry. yea, so i literally pulled up the pic, ran the layer mask "tutorial" action that brenda and kristy gave us, and then tweaked it and i might have run a color pop type action on it from peta's set, i can't remember. but can you believe how it saved this pic! its a little blown out but the client loved it....
