Saturday, May 23, 2009

question about sharpening

hey guys.. i think we went over this, but i was a space cadet the month of april so i can't remember. i am really liking this shot, but i feel that her eyes need to be sharpened. can someone tell me how to do that without sharpening everything else? elementary, i know, but i never learned it... thanks!


  1. She's so cute!!! Love the blue!
    Lots of action sets have a sharpener that you can selectively apply with a layer mask or you can use unsharp mask.

  2. thanks jules! can i use unsharp mask and JUST do her eyes? do i do that with a layer mask? sorry to sound so dumb....!

  3. Hi Amy,
    You can do it several ways I am sure but one way would be to duplicate your layer do an unsharp mask and sharpen it as much as you want for the eyes. Then with that layer selected add a layer mask. Invert it by doing a control I. That should turn your mask black, grab a brush make sure your forground is white and just brush back over the eyes. I hope this helps.

  4. You can also use the history tool with a USM as Cama described. Run the USM, then in the history box click the action above the USM and then the little box to the left of the USM. Pick the history tool, and just click on the colored part of the eye.

